I am going to participate in this show. See more info below:
April 27-30, 2007
350 West Mart Center Lobby
Running concurrently with Art Chicago™, The Artist Project™ is a new art exhibition and sale featuring original work from independent artists. Approximately 50 established and emerging fine artists will be selected to present their work as part of Chicago's legendary art weekend. The Artist Project will be a great opportunity to discover and obtain interesting and affordable art directly from a uniquely talented group of artists.
Show Hours
Preview Party —Thursday, April 26, 7–11 p.m.
Friday, April 27, 11 a.m.–7 p.m.
Saturday, April 28, 11 a.m.–7 p.m.
Sunday, April 29, 11 a.m.–6 p.m.
Monday, April 30, 11 a.m.–4 p.m.
Exhibitor Listing
The Artist Project is proud to present independent established and emerging artists.
2007 Jury-Selected Artists
Name | Web Address |
Alt, Jane Fulton | www.janefultonalt.com |
Baur, Mike | |
Beck, Nicole | www.nicolebeck.com |
Brandl, Mark Staff | www.markstaffbrandl.com |
Browder, Chase | www.chasebrowder.com |
Buchanan, Elizabeth | www.ecbuchanan.com |
Chatain, Dylan | www.fifteenthirty.com |
Cortez, Miguel | www.mcortez.com |
Dolan, William | www.dolanart.com |
Dufault, David | www.dufaultart.com |
Eaton, Charlesthomas | www.eatons.net/abrealist/charlesthomas/index.html |
Fogelson, Doug | www.dougfogelson.com |
Foley, Rebecca | www.rebeccafoley.com |
Forster, Catherine | www.catforster.com |
Frieders, Kim | www.KIMfrieders.com |
Gitelson, Jonathan | www.thegit.net |
Golubova, Marina | |
Halper, Kathy | www.kathyhalper.com |
Hospodar, Loreen | www.loreenrhospodar.com |
Jacobi, Catherine | |
Jiang, Qigu | www.qigustudio.com |
Kazarian, Jackie | www.jackiekazarian.net |
Klairmont, Yelena | www.yelenaklairmont.com |
Koenen, Barbara | www.barbarakoenen.com |
Kohler, William | www.williekohler.com |
Lampert, Katherine | www.katherinelampert.com |
Levant, Marianna | |
Lopez, Joyce P. | www.joycelopez.com |
Maris Lader, Deborah | email: ink1101@aol.com |
McGee, Patrick | www.adequatearts.com |
McGinnis, Renee | www.reneemcginnis.com |
McGoldrick, Doug | www.dougphoto.com |
Miller, Sandro | www.sandrofilm.com |
Miree, Royal Richardson | www.richardmiree.com |
Nolet, Didier | www.caconline.org |
Nudd, Paul | |
Pajon, Michael | www.michaelpajon.com |
Preuss, Ted | www.preussphotography.com |
Rautenberg, Beverly | |
Rezman, Monica | www.monicarezman.com |
Rieger, Patricia | |
Roberts, Darrell | www.re-title.com/artists/Darrell-Roberts.asp |
Scruby, Rusty | |
Sensemann, Susan | www.susansensemann.com |
Siegel, Adam | |
Stanuga, Ted | www.stanuga.com |
Sven Humphrey, Voshardt, Robyn | www.voshardthumphrey.com |
Thorn, Bruce | www.brucethorn.com |
Tubbs, Jeremy | www.jeremytubbs.com |
Zimmermann, Jeff | www.jazim.com |